
Lorraine’s First Class studied pointillism in art last week. All pictures are composed of a series of layers of dots using only primary colours but mixing them on the page to make other colours.

Trip to the Cinema!

The excitement was palpable yesterday in Adrienne’s Senior Infants with a trip to the ‘cinema’ to conclude their Aistear theme. The children made money, tickets and manned the concession stand! Such a treat with massive learning!

Polish Story

Carol’s Junior Infants got to hear the story ‘Puss In Boots’ read in Polish today. One of the children brought it in and Anna read it for them.


Lorraine’s First Class harvested and tasted the Brussels sprouts that they planted last year. They were delicious!


Carol’s Junior Infants have been planting with Anna. They replanted all our Wellington boots with spring flowers.

Garda Visit

We were delighted to have a visit from two members of An Garda Siochana on Friday. Mairead and Ronan visited all of our classes to talk about the role of the Garda, road safety and personal safety. The children really enjoyed it.